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Wrinkle care

Opus Wrinkle Care

Wrinkle care model image

Wrinkle Total Care

V-Ro Lifting uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and radiofrequency (RF) energy simultaneously.
It forms thermal coagulation zones in various layers of the skin. This promotes skin regeneration and improvement of elasticity.
There is virtually no pain after the procedure, and you can immediately return to your daily life without anesthesia.

Wrinkle Total Care


Treatment target

Wrinkle improvement

sagging jawline/cheeks

Fast effect

Various effects


Treatment Area

​시술 부위

나이가 들며 노화로 인해 탄력을 잃어가는 피부. 다양한 주름은 어떻게 관리하느냐에 따라 속도를 늦추고 개선 시킬 수 있습니다

​다양한 부위의 주름은 타입별로 특화된 시술법과 개선 과정으로 더욱 완회된 탄력있는 피부로 가꿀수 있습니다

오퍼스 만의 노하우로 완성된 부위별 시술과 처방으로 더욱 아름다운 리프팅효과를 확인하세요. 

Advantages of the procedure

Benefits of the procedure


Visible immediate effects
Visible results with just one treatment
You can see immediate results.


Customized treatment available
For skin conditions such as fine wrinkles and deep wrinkles
Customized treatment is possible.


Short recovery time
Short recovery time, allowing you to return to your daily life
You can get back quickly


Minimize pain and irritation
With the latest luxury equipment
Minimizes pain and irritation.


Various synergy effects
Restores the elasticity of the skin
It has the effect of improving facial contour and skin regeneration.

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